Contraceptive in Adolescents

You can make a difference for women’s health. Consider joining a bone mineral density study for birth control users.

14 - 45 years of age
Compensation Provided
About the Study
The purpose of the study is to determine whether two hormonal birth control pills, the LF111 tablet and the Drospirenone (DRSP) chewable tablet, affect women’s bone mineral density.
What does the study involve?
Complete health assessments to make sure you meet study requirements. Assessments include, but are not limited to, blood and urine tests, a physical exam, and a bone scan to measure your bone mineral density. The scan is painless and lasts about 30 minutes. Use your chosen birth control for 1 year and talk to the study doctor about any side effects.
Who can participate?
Your must be between 14-45 years old. First period was over 2 years ago. You must be willing to use the same form of birth control for a full year, whether LF111 tablets, DRSP chewable tablets, or a non-hormonal option, such as sexual abstinence.
Where is the study taking place?
The study is being conducted at our Hollywood, Weston, and Boynton offices.
Is compensation provided?

Apply for this study

Please enter your name, a valid phone number, and a valid email address where you can be contacted.

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